Sparkling Cold Brew: A Refreshing Twist - Fizz up your coffee 💯

Absolutely! Making cold brew coffee with carbonated water is a fun and refreshing twist on the classic cold brew. It adds a delightful effervescence to your coffee, creating a unique and invigorating experience. Here's everything you need to know about making cold brew coffee with carbonated water.

Why use carbonated water?

Carbonated water, also known as sparkling water or seltzer, can enhance the flavor and texture of your cold brew coffee. The bubbles in carbonated water create a light and effervescent mouthfeel, making your cold brew feel more lively and refreshing. It adds a subtle fizziness that complements the smoothness of the cold brew, resulting in a delightful sensory experience.

How to make cold brew coffee with carbonated water:

1. Start with quality coffee beans: Choose high-quality coffee beans that suit your taste preferences. Opt for beans with flavor profiles that can withstand the addition of carbonation, such as medium to dark roasts with chocolatey or nutty notes.

2. Grind your coffee: Grind your coffee beans to a coarse consistency. This helps to extract the flavors without over-extracting, resulting in a smooth and well-balanced cold brew.

3. Brew your cold brew concentrate: Combine your coarsely ground coffee with cold water in a ratio of 1:4 (1 part coffee to 4 parts water) in a large container or jar. Stir gently to ensure all the coffee grounds are fully saturated. Cover the container and let it steep in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours, depending on your desired strength.

4. Strain the cold brew concentrate: After steeping, strain the cold brew concentrate using a fine-mesh sieve or a coffee filter to remove the coffee grounds. This will give you a smooth and clean cold brew concentrate.

5. Carbonate your cold brew: Once you have your cold brew concentrate, it's time to add the carbonation. Fill a glass with ice and pour in your desired amount of cold brew concentrate. Top it off with carbonated water, gently stirring to combine. Start with a 1:1 ratio of cold brew concentrate to carbonated water and adjust to your taste preference.

6. Customize and enjoy: Now comes the fun part! Customize your carbonated cold brew with your favorite sweeteners, milk, or flavorings. You can add a splash of vanilla extract, a drizzle of caramel syrup, or a dollop of whipped cream to take your carbonated cold brew to the next level.


Making cold brew coffee with carbonated water is a fantastic way to elevate your coffee experience. The combination of smooth cold brew and effervescent carbonation creates a refreshing and invigorating beverage. Experiment with different coffee beans, ratios, and flavorings to find your perfect carbonated cold brew concoction. So go ahead, grab your favorite coffee beans, carbonate your cold brew, and enjoy the fizzy goodness of this delightful coffee soda. Cheers to a new and exciting way to enjoy your cold brew!

Hazel Ortiz
Cooking, Coffee pairing, Gardening, Yoga

Hazel Ortiz is a seasoned culinary artist and a passionate devotee of coffee. She holds the view that coffee transcends being a mere beverage and becomes an experience when paired with the right delicacies. At Sky Cold Brew, Hazel imparts her scrumptious recipes and invaluable insights on matching your cold brew with food to heighten your coffee indulgence.