Sky Cold Brew Cold Brew Coffee Recipes

🍮 Cold Brew Tiramisu Recipe 🍮

Indulge in the rich flavors of Cold Brew Tiramisu. Learn how to make this delicious dessert using our step-by-step recipe. Perfect for coffee and dessert lovers!

Cold Brew Tiramisu

You will need:

  • egg yolks6 egg yolks
  • white sugar3/4 cups white sugar
  • milk2/3 cups milk
  • heavy cream1 1/4 cups heavy cream
  • vanilla extract1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • cold brew coffee1 cup cold brew coffee
  • rum2 tablespoons rum
  • ladyfinger cookies2 packages ladyfinger cookies
  • unsweetened cocoa powder1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder


  1. Start by whisking together 6 egg yolks and 3/4 cups of white sugar in a medium saucepan until you achieve a well-blended, creamy texture.
  2. Pour in 2/3 cups of milk and cook over medium heat. Remember to stir constantly to prevent the mixture from sticking to the pan. Continue cooking until the mixture comes to a boil.
  3. Allow the mixture to boil gently for 1 minute, then remove the saucepan from heat. Let it cool slightly before covering it tightly and placing it in the refrigerator to chill for 1 hour.
  4. In a separate medium bowl, beat 1 1/4 cups of heavy cream and 1/2 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract until you see stiff peaks forming. This will give your tiramisu a rich, creamy texture.
  5. After the yolk mixture has chilled, whisk in the mascarpone until the mixture is smooth.
  6. In a small bowl, combine 1 cup of cold brew coffee and 2 tablespoons of rum. This will be used to soak the ladyfingers, giving them a strong coffee flavor with a hint of rum.
  7. Dip each ladyfinger into the coffee and rum mixture, soaking it enough to absorb the flavors but not so much that it becomes soggy.
  8. Arrange half of the soaked ladyfingers at the bottom of a dish, then spread half of the mascarpone mixture over the ladyfingers.
  9. Repeat the layers, then sprinkle the top layer with 1 tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder for a finishing touch.
  10. Cover the dish and refrigerate it for at least 2 hours before serving to allow the flavors to meld together.


For a non-alcoholic version, you can replace the rum with an equal amount of cold brew coffee. Also, ensure to use unsweetened cocoa powder to balance the sweetness of the other ingredients.

Indulge in the rich and decadent flavors of our Cold Brew Tiramisu recipe. This delightful twist on the classic Italian dessert will leave you craving for more. Made with the smoothness of cold brew coffee, it's a treat that coffee lovers won't be able to resist.

To create this heavenly dessert, you will need a few key ingredients. Start with 6 egg yolks, 3/4 cups of white sugar, 2/3 cups of milk, 1 1/4 cups of heavy cream, 1/2 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract, 1 cup of cold brew coffee, 2 tablespoons of rum, 2 packages of ladyfinger cookies, and 1 tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder.

Begin by whisking together the egg yolks and sugar in a medium saucepan until well blended. Add the milk and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until the mixture boils. Let it gently boil for 1 minute, then remove from heat and allow it to cool slightly. Cover the mixture tightly and chill it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

In a separate medium bowl, beat the cream and vanilla until stiff peaks form. Whisk the mascarpone into the yolk mixture until smooth. In a small bowl, combine the cold brew coffee and rum. Dip each ladyfinger into the coffee mixture, soaking it slightly.

Next, arrange half of the soaked ladyfingers at the bottom of a dish. Spread half of the mascarpone mixture over the ladyfingers. Repeat the layers and sprinkle with cocoa powder. Cover the dish and refrigerate for at least 2 hours to allow the flavors to meld together.

For a non-alcoholic version, you can replace the rum with an equal amount of cold brew coffee. Additionally, make sure to use unsweetened cocoa powder to balance the sweetness of the other ingredients.

Prepare to be amazed by the luscious combination of creamy mascarpone, delicate ladyfinger cookies, and the bold, smooth flavor of cold brew coffee. Each bite is a harmonious blend of textures and tastes that will transport you to coffee heaven.

Whether you're hosting a dinner party or simply treating yourself, our Cold Brew Tiramisu is the perfect dessert to impress your guests or satisfy your own cravings. It's a delightful fusion of coffee and dessert that will leave everyone wanting more.

So, why wait? Gather your ingredients and get ready to experience the ultimate indulgence with our Cold Brew Tiramisu recipe. It's time to elevate your dessert game with the rich and irresistible flavors of cold brew coffee.