Sky Cold Brew Cold Brew Coffee Recipes

🌟 Unique Cold Brew Coffee with Flavored Beans 🌟

Learn how to make a unique cold brew coffee using flavored beans with our easy-to-follow recipe. Enjoy the refreshing taste of cold brew at home!

Unique Cold Brew Coffee with Flavored Beans

You will need:

  • flavored coffee beans1 cup of flavored coffee beans
  • cold water4 cups of cold water
  • French press coffee makerFrench press or cold brew coffee maker
  • coffee grinderCoffee grinder
  • cheesecloth coffee filterCheesecloth or coffee filter
  • large glass pitcherLarge jar or pitcher


  1. First, grind your chosen flavored coffee beans to a coarse consistency, similar to breadcrumbs. This will ensure the best extraction of flavor during the steeping process.
  2. Next, place the ground coffee into your French press or cold brew coffee maker. If you don't have a specific cold brew coffee maker, a French press works just as well.
  3. Now, pour the cold water over the coffee grounds. The water should be cold or room temperature, as hot water will cause the coffee to extract too quickly and can lead to bitter flavors.
  4. Then, stir the mixture gently to ensure all the coffee grounds are wet. This is an important step to make sure that every coffee ground is in contact with water, which will lead to a more balanced flavor.
  5. Cover your coffee maker or French press and let it steep for 18-24 hours at room temperature. This long steeping time is what gives cold brew its distinctive smooth and low-acidity flavor profile.
  6. After the coffee has steeped, strain the coffee using a cheesecloth or coffee filter into a large jar or pitcher. This will remove the coffee grounds and leave you with a clean, clear coffee concentrate.
  7. Finally, serve your cold brew coffee over ice. You can dilute it with water or milk to taste, or drink it straight for a more intense flavor. Enjoy your unique cold brew coffee made with flavored beans!


You can store the cold brew coffee in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. The flavor might change slightly over time, but it will still be delicious!

Embarking on the journey of making your own cold brew coffee at home can be an exciting adventure. Our unique cold brew recipe with flavored beans is a great place to start. The use of flavored beans adds a delightful twist to your usual cold brew, taking your coffee experience to a whole new level.

Choosing the right coffee beans is a crucial step in the process. If you're looking for suggestions, check out our guide on the best coffee beans to use for your cold brew. Here, you'll find a variety of beans that can enhance your cold brew's flavor profile, including some excellent flavored options.

Once you've brewed your unique cold brew coffee, why not experiment with some fun additions? Our article on easy and delicious cold brew additions offers a range of ideas to give your cold brew a unique twist. From sweet syrups to spicy infusions, there's something for every palate.

For those of you who are new to the world of cold brew, you might be wondering about the difference between regular coffee and cold brew. Can you use the same beans? What about decaf? We've got you covered with our guide to decaf cold brew. Discover how you can still enjoy the robust flavor of coffee without the caffeine kick.

If you're a fan of the cold brew served at popular coffee chains, why not try recreating that experience at home? Our article on making Starbucks-style cold brew at home will guide you through the process. You'll be surprised at how simple it is to make your favorite coffeehouse cold brew in your own kitchen.

Remember, the beauty of making your own cold brew is that you can customize it to your liking. Whether you prefer a strong, bold flavor or a lighter, smoother taste, the power is in your hands. So go ahead, explore, experiment, and most importantly, enjoy the process of brewing your own unique cold brew coffee.